You use your toothbrush every day, twice a day if you follow your dentist's recommendations. When it's not in use, it's probably sitting on your bathroom sink counter, or in a toothbrush holder or cup.
While it's sitting there, it is exposed to everything. Your toothbrush is most likely picking up germs and you don't even know it. One of the best ways you can disinfect your toothbrush is to give it a run through the dishwasher.
Oral Bacteria
You use your toothbrush to remove food particles, plaque and bacteria. That's great. But once those things are out of your mouth, where do they go to next? You might be rinsing your toothbrush head out under running water, but that water isn't enough to kill the bacteria stuck on the bristles. And if anything else is lingering in your toothbrush (like food) the bacteria now have a food source and can quickly multiply.
Storing Toothbrushes Together
If there is more than one of you sharing a bathroom, you probably store your toothbrushes together. It makes things easier, but if the heads touch, bacteria can be transferred between bristles.
The Toilet
This may be one of the grossest things to think about, but when you flush the toilet with the lid open, water and germs are shot into the air. And if your toothbrush is anywhere nearby, those germs can land right on it, as well as on all of the surrounding surfaces.
How Does the Dishwasher Help?
Think about it: you clean your dishes in the dishwasher. They get not only get cleaned, but they also get sanitized, killing and removing and germs and bacteria that might be stuck on them.
By putting your toothbrush in the dishwasher, you're allowing the same process to happen, a thorough cleaning and disinfecting, removing all harmful bacteria. Just make sure your toothbrush is dishwasher safe first.
Don't let your toothbrush become a breeding ground for harmful bacteria. Introduce it to your dishwasher, the two will become fast friends.
If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please call us at (503) 256-3737 today.